Osman Mia
Latest Charisma

Techniques You Can Use to Become Present

Being present makes the key impact to your charisma

22 March 2020
oost you presence when you are with someone by fully paying attention to the person and not letting your mind wander. They will notice. They will know when you are just acting like you are listening when actually you are not.

If you are someone whose mind always wanders, then you need to practice fully with paying attention. Build up and use your willpower.

First, pause and take a deep breathe because it will bring you back to the moment.

Next, use one of these three techniques from the book, "The Charisma Myth," by Olivia Fox Cabane to remain present:

1. Scan your environment for sounds. Use your ears to passively and objectively listen to sounds.

2. Focus on your breath, one at a time, and notice everything about the breath, including the sensations in your nostrils and stomach.

3. Focus on the sensations of your toes.

Any of the three techniques above will help you to remain focused on the present. But they only work if you do them. Regularly check yourself so that if you find your mind wandering, quickly use one of the three technoques above to bring yourself back to the present.



© Osman Mia