Osman Mia
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Latest Health

How Do You Know if You are Healthy and Fit?

The three things that define health and fitness

27 March 2020
ow do you define being healthy and fit? Health and fitness are made up of three things:

1. Being Resistant to Sickness

Sickness comes either externally or internally, and we need to be able to deal with both.

Externally means being exposed to harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, poisons and radiation.

Internally means living in a way that causes our bodily functions to be overwhelmed and break down. An example of a body breakdown is insulin resistance: By taking in too much sugar over time, our body can no longer effectively get rid of the sugar, leading to a condition called diabetes.

2. Being Active and Strong

Being active and strong means for our body to feel light and easy to move, such that we can do productive work for a good portion of the day. The opposite of this is to feel tired and to have aches and pains that slow us down. Among the reasons for feeling tired and having aches are low muscle mass, bad posture and bad nutrition.

3. Being Alert and Having Good Memory

It's a joy to know what's going on around you and this comes from being alert. While alertness could be a matter of being focused and present, it could also be a result of poor nutrition and lack of energy for our brains and mental activities. Poor memory, too, could be helped with the right foods and nutrition.



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